#introduction: I've been tooting as @NeuKelte@todon.eu since #Imbolc 2022 before I moved here.
I'm interested in all things #Celtic, but particularly the #IronAge and the myths of the Gaels and the Welsh.
I regularly post about my Nua-#CelticSoulJourneys to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany and the Isle of Man.
You'll find my toots under the following hashtags: #MythologyMonday, #FairyTaleTuesday, #LegendaryWednesday, #WyrdWednesday, #BookologyThursday, #FindsFriday, #FolkloreSunday
We need #degrowth, a #DonutEconomy & #SystemChange to #Conviviality in a #CaringEconomy of #Partnerism within #planetboundaries