Corkscrew went missing. Had to improvise. A screw and a pliers did the trick.
Corkscrew went missing. Had to improvise. A screw and a pliers did the trick.
My modest pile of spliced adapters which I've repurposed for old game systems continues to grow.
So sieht das aus @blauschrift , wenn ich mir selbst Skizzenbücher binde. Ich mag es total gerne ganz verschiedene Papiere in einem Buch zu haben. Meistens ist das für mich ein Mix aus getöntem Papier, Transparenzpapier, Aquarellpapier, Bristol, Mixed Media und wenn ich habe alte Buchseiten aus Büchern die ich an der Straße gefunden habe und die damit ein 2. Leben bekommen.
My final print of the weekend should be the final prototype.
This has been a fun learning experience, and I hope I can keep the vibe going. #diy #3dPrinting #EVs.
After almost 2 days we are finished with the first joints of our “secret” project. Next week, all of them should be finished.
Special shoutout to the repair site iFixit who are now on the Fediverse, you can follow them at:
They provide repair forums and free repair guides for phones, computers, consoles, kitchen equipment, tools, medical devices, cars etc. They also review and tear down new gadgets to see how repairable they are.
Repairing your existing stuff is much, much better for the environment than buying replacements.
Vous ne savez pas d’où viennent vos allergies au printemps? Ne cherchez plus, c’est de la faute des chatons dans les pivoines!
Ça m’a pris un petit paquet d’heures pour graver cette plaque au format A3. L’encre n’accroche pas super bien la plaque mais je vais tenter de la dégraisser lors de mes prochains tirages. Je vis aussi essayer de rajouter une couche colorée pour les pivoines et les feuilles, j’espère que ça sera cool quand ça sera terminé!
#catsofmastodon #diy #catsoffediverse #linocut
The Atlanta Antifascist Guide to Wheatpasting:
Based on the Field Guide to Wheatpasting by Crimethinc:
and pdf here:
#Fastfashion #DIY #highqualitycloth
Jepp, ich hab Gewand dass über 25 jahre alt ist, hier und da mal bisschen geflickt!
Scheiss auf Fast Fashion Schrott und viertljährliche Modetrends.
Komm am 15.3. zum Repaircafé im Hackerspace Bielefeld!
jeden 3. Samstag im Monat ab 15:00 Uhr
Bringe deine kaputten Geräte, Textilien oder Fahrräder mit – wir reparieren gemeinsam!
Lerne, tüftle und tausche dich aus.
Kostenlos, Spenden willkommen.
#RepairCafé #Bielefeld #Nachhaltigkeit #DIY
I can’t pretend to be a lover of death metal but I love this story of the lovely @markwyner’s musical escapades.
I particularly love the international underground postal system they developed to circumvent existing only at the mercy of the music industry bigwigs.
‘Everyone distributed for everyone else. It was a giant “f*** you” to the record industry and a giant “f*** yeah” for everyone who wanted to promote their own work.’
#spoonieTown has cargo bikes at the hardware store you can borrow to get your #diy stuff home.
Went through the lid pouch of my backpack, to remove clutter and extra weight. Found I have quite the #EDC collection...
I guess it can be split into #Electronics, #Tools, #Sewing and #EverydayLife.
What I'm showing in the photos is the stuff I decided to keep in there (yes, there was more).
There are also other little pouches on this backpack that I keep other essentials in, but I'll just stay with the one for now.
Check the #AltText for details.
Long Bacon v2 - how long is it?
This long
I've been working hard selecting tools for my beginners woodworking toolkit.
You know what I've realised?
I overthink a lot. I get caught up in the detail trying to find the “perfect” tool.
But it doesn't matter!
These aren't the last tools I will buy
This is why we can't have nice things.
Sincerely disappointing.
Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a compact greenhouse on wheels. It’s almost entirely created from upcycled materials. Our neighbors generously gifted us with some plexiglass he had laying around.
As a result we are able to move the greenhouse depending of the sun‘s position. We have also started some growing some new seedlings, including corn, kidney beans, kohlrabi and radishes.
Melissa worked me like a rented mule from a shady mule renter. We filled four raised beds, two old flower beds, three thirty gallon planters, and a variety of other small planters with a compost/topsoil mix. There is still two thirty gallon drums, a huge trash bin, and a large pile beside remaining. Melissa might have estimated a little high.
How is everyone else doing?
Have a good evening!