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Is there a greater gaslighter than a folklore fox?
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Folklore read live!
Is there a greater gaslighter than a folklore fox?
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#FairyTaleTuesday: `It was on the first day of Beltaine, that is called now May Day, the Tuatha de Danaan came, and it was to the north-west of Connacht they landed. But the Firbolgs, the Men of the Bag, that were in Ireland before them, and that had come from the South, saw nothing but a mist, and it lying on the hills.
Eochaid, son of Erc, was king of the Firbolgs at that time, and messengers came to him at Teamhair, and told him there was a new race of people come into Ireland, but whether from the earth or the skies or on the wind was not known, and that they had settled themselves at Magh Rein.
They thought there would be wonder on Eochaid when he heard that news; but there was no wonder on him, for a dream had come to him in the night, and when he asked his Druids the meaning of the dream, it is what they said, that it would not be long till there would be a strong enemy coming against him.
Then King Eochaid took counsel with his chief advisers, and it is what they agreed, to send a good champion of their own to see the strangers and to speak with them. So they chose out Sreng, that was a great fighting man, and he rose up and took his strong red-brown shield, and his two thick-handled spears, and his sword, and his head-covering, and his thick iron club, and he set out from Teamhair, and went on towards the place the strangers were, at Magh Rein.` #Celtic
Source: Gods and Fighting Men by Lady Gregory - Project Gutenberg eBook
Irish mermaids are sometimes called merrow and are often related to selkie stories, to the point it is taboo for members of the Conneely family of the Connemara to kill a seal, some even changing their name. Whatever the case, merrow are not to be crossed. #FairytaleTuesday
: K. Sheheen
Folklore read live!
If kissing a toad makes a prince, what about beheading it?
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While King cake is ubiquitous around the world during Ephiphany, in North America it is most associated with Mardi Gras. Whoever should break their teeth on baby Jesus is treated like a king for the rest of the day but has to buy or bake next year's King cake. #FairytaleTuesday
A fusion of indigenous American, African disapora, and Catholic beliefs have led to the New Orleans tradition (and elsewhere) of Mardi Gras and in particular of krewes, masked and costumed individuals who represent wards, often led by chiefs. #FairytaleTuesday
Hawks have a special place in Egyptian mythology, being both the head of Ra and of Horus. Indeed, more birds are important too: part of the soul, the Ba, is a human-headed bird; and the Benu Bird, roughly the Phoenix, is a major symbol of the Heliopolis cult. #FairytaleTuesday
La Lechuza is a white owl who is in fact a witch, appearing as a massive raptor who preys on souls at night from the Rio Grande Valley on down. Any white owl could be her: so beware. #FairytaleTuesday
Stolas is the boss owl, a goetic demon and Great Prince of Hell known for his crown, long skinny legs, and knowledge of precious minerals and herbs. He can teach you astronomy, and commands 26 legions of demons. Look at, deGrasse Tyson. #FairytaleTuesday
: D. Valeriani
Sometimes light is a happy accident, such as the Haida tale of how Crow stole the sun and dropped it, illuminating the world and giving humans a reason to hope. Trickster though he is, he gives hope to all. #FairytaleTuesday
Folklore read live!
Ever angered a pet so bad it squeezed you to death while you slept?
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Because the girl refused to play Lady Daji's game of frolicking in the Shang palace nude, Lady Daji had her executed. Because her father protested, Lady Daji had the girl's father killed and cut into steaks, then fed to his own men. #FairytaleTuesday
Efnysien fab Euroswydd is one of the great anti-heroes of Welsh myth, a proud and foolhardy man who causes more problems than he solves. Loyal to his family, he sacrifices by destroying the Cauldron of Resurrection from within. #FairyTaleTuesday
: T. Prytherch
In the Goetia, Shax is a marquis of Hell who commands 30 legions of demons on evil horses. He can be summoned by a sorcerer to rob a person of anything - from money to horses to their own sight and hearing. Shax is also skilled at lying, and can see through other people's lies. Louis Le Breton
Folklore read live!
What if a troll consumed the innocent AND found them wives?
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Why is chocolate, a New World commodity, associated with Valentine's Day? Mesoamericans included chocolate in their marriage ceremony and believed it to be an aphrodisiac; whether Cadbury knew that when in 1868 they marketed the first heart-shaped box is unknown #FairytaleTuesday
The term "star-crossed lovers" refers to the compatibility of one's astrological stars in all things. This ancient phrase is used both sincerely and ironically for lovers like Aeneas and Dido, Hero and Leander, and of course, Romeo and Juliet. #FairyTaleTuesday
: F. Dicksee
Valentine's Day was an unremarkable saint day until the High Middle Ages, when bird-watchers remarked that bird breeding season began in mid-February, and Valentine's Day was chosen: birds remain a key motif of this day for love birds. #FairytaleTuesday
In some Japanese folktales the villain is a type of #yokai known as yama uba, which can be translated as mountain hag or witch. In one tale the yama uba pretends to be the grandmother of two young children in order to lure them to her home. Once there she... #FairyTaleTuesday #DontGoIntoTheWoods 1/2
The land becomes brutal for man and beast in the wake of Pondese, the Old Man Winter of Great Lakes folklore. Snow and ice are his cloak and contempt, and he has no love for things that grow, for animals in need, or for people. #FairytaleTuesday