Corkscrew went missing. Had to improvise. A screw and a pliers did the trick.
Corkscrew went missing. Had to improvise. A screw and a pliers did the trick.
Games are ranked this low either because they're terrible, or because they have very few ratings. Looking at my list of games, I have the following hidden gems:
* The MacGyver Escape Room game, ranked 22,536: yeah, it's a TV tie-in & they're usually terrible... but this was an enjoyable set of puzzles, though it used flimsy materials that you modify/destroy when you play, so it's one-time use.
* Teeter Tower, ranked 12,200: this is a fun dexterity game about stacking dice and tiles in an increasingly rickety structure.
* Star Trek: Chrono-Trek is a Trek-themed version of Chrononauts, where you flip cards to repair the timeline. The original game uses 20th-century history; this retheming uses a lot of Star Trek lore.
What are you watching tonight?
1987 ABC Monday - MacGyver - On Fire
#MacGyver #Television #TvShow #TvMovie #Retro #Vintage #RichardDeanAnderson #JohnForsythe
Well, look who showed up in MacGyver Season 5 Episode 13.
It's Christopher Judge, AKA Teal'c!
@thisisskaly So many! #AppleHistory #AppleMacintosh #AppleNewton #NewtonScript #DigitalArchaeolgy #DigitalAchiving #LandRover #SeriesLandRover #Overlanding #Camping #Canoeing #CrossCountrySkiing #WoodenSkis #ComputerHistory #BSD #shellscript #X11 #InternetHistory #SelfHosting #HTML #CSS #Typogrophy #SiberianHusky #AlaskanMalamute #TamaskanDog #Trees #WoodworkingHandTools #JapaneseJoinery #Typography #Grammar #HackerCulture #HackerHistory #MacGyver ...make me stop!