"Desert Horse"
Credit: Desert photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/m5P0c6ABWDs)
@FotoVorschlag 'Kreative Ideen' #FotoVorschlag
"Desert Horse"
Credit: Desert photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash (https://unsplash.com/photos/m5P0c6ABWDs)
@FotoVorschlag 'Kreative Ideen' #FotoVorschlag
Historic German boundary stone.
@FotoVorschlag 'Grenzbereich' #FotoVorschlag
Custom Art Framing, a
Since I'm fully retiring from my semi-retired part-time job (2 - 6hr days/wk) at the end of the month I thought I'd frame several items for myself while I can still get an employee discount.
I invite you to join me for the ride!
This is the chop room where we chop the molding legs to size. I'm chopping in-stock molding. Black looks best with B&W photos & is also inexpensive. 1/12
Smoky sunrise. Sunrise at the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve a couple of years ago.
There were multiple wind-driven wildfires yesterday afternoon and night. One moved into the town of Mannford and claimed several buildings and homes. Air quality with dust and smoke hit 333 at 01:00 CDT this morning. Coverage, other than local news and spotters, was dismal. The fires did not make it to INCIWeb or MODIS. Only the Infrared satellites and the GOES-East Fire Temperature maps showed the fires. That lack of information made it difficult to keep friends without TV access informed.
Det blir en Sonja åt det grafiska hållet i dag.
#Photography #Darktable #FensterFreitag #olympus #mft #MicroFourThirds #OM1 #BlackAndWhite #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday
Love these steps! Like I've often said, "Books decorate our minds and our walls!" And, apparently, they can decorate our steps as well!
Shot number three.
Totality--Blood Moon--begins at 11:26pm PDT (07:26 UTC). 3/n
Here's another one. Totality--Blood Moon--begins at 11:26pm PDT (07:26 UTC). 2/n
The lunar eclipse has begun! Totality starts at 11:26pm PDT (07:26 UTC). 1/n