Writers’ Coffee Club for 27th February 2025
27. Post an image which reflects the tone of your WIP.
The sun setting on a defeated pirate ship after the Second Battle of Fflint
Owing to his part in the battle, Manxman Major DustyOldFossil, is awarded the trophy of war (by the Welsh) and will take it back to Douglas
Comme si j’avais pas assez de trucs en réserve, je me suis enfin décidé à commander les trois #JdR créés par Michaël Janod. #Pirates, #LaRouteDuMaître et #Factotum, trois petites perles si j’en crois mes feuilletages, une partie et beaucoup d’échos, et un auteur que j’aurais bien aimé rencontrer, mais il a disparu l’année dernière. Pour l’instant ses jeux sont encore là et j’imagine que les droits reviennent à sa famille, alors fonce. https://www.lulu.com/fr/search?contributor=Micha%C3%ABl+Janod&page=1&pageSize=10&adult_audience_rating=00
For all #pirates out there, or anyone who wants to start pirating. I highly recommend free media heck yeah, awesome site that covers big range of content!
#lgbtq #fediverse
Professionnellement, je suis
#anarchitecte, co-fondateur d'une #scop #lessaprophytes à #lille qui accompagne la #construction de projets d'espaces #commun (s),#autogestion,
#32h taux plein, #paysagiste,#bricoleur, #jardinier, touche à tous adèpte du Bois, de la Terre crue et de la Paille #reemploi
#permaculture, #BioArchitecture,#habitatleger
Politiquement je suis
#anarchiste, #zadpartout, #squat, pour l'abolition de la propriété privée des moyens de production, et des frontières #noborder je haie les fascistes, j'aime les #pirates, #ecologiesociale, #municipalismelibertaire, #ACAB
très intéressé par la #monnaielibre la #june #Ğ1 #duniter
SAKE (Sorcerers, Adventurers, Kings, and Economics) Full Book Updated.
Video preview: https://youtu.be/xK6O2wJsoj4?si=rW89GC3GkFLb3Q7F
Affiliated link: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/498064/sake-sorcerers-adventurers-kings-and-economics-full-rules?affiliate_id=4178266
Pirate Cats, Arctic Adventure. Wall Art Prints & more: https://matthias-hauser.pixels.com/featured/pirate-cats-arctic-adventure-matthias-hauser.html
"This is probably the best example of a pirate movie where the pirate doesn’t have an eyepatch but the director does"
Listen up gays and gyals: you should read "Running Close to the Wind" by Alexandra Rowland. It will cheer you up. It will make you gay(er). It will make you want to bake a fancy cake and enter it into a competition where all manner of subterfuge is used to win, so that each cake needs the protection of a full pirate crew complement, armed to the teeth and ready to do battle with sneaky cakesmith competitors as well as evil seagulls.
#Books #NowReading #Fantasy #SFF #Pirates #Queer #QueerLiterature #LGBTQIA2S @bookstodon
Need a distraction? Check out my #webcomic Æthernaut. A little bit #steampunk , occasional #pirates , basically #earlyModern #weirdFantasy . Latest page here, full comic at flintpunk.com , this and more at patreon.com/aethernaut
BTW whilst watching Ken Burns' #baseball documentary i realized that:
- the Detroit #Tigers & Pittsburgh #Pirates have been around for over 100 years!
- there was a minor league team in Montreal called the Royals. they were the first #MLB team desegregated by Jackie Robinson PRIOR to joining the Brooklyn #Dodgers. now am wondering if they're the same team that's now in Kansas City
- do not know why cuz i wasn't even born when they moved, but *I* call them the Brooklyn Dodgers to this day
and holy hell he was smoking HAWT!!!