This is why we can't have nice things.
Sincerely disappointing.
This is why we can't have nice things.
Sincerely disappointing.
My latest blog post: Simplify VCD
Simplify VCD is a tool designed to make working with Value Change Dump (VCD) files more efficient and faster. This tool enables users to clip sections of VCD files, trim irrelevant data, and reduce the resolution to a more manageable timescale, significantly improving processing speed and usability.
We spoke with Prof. Cindy Harnett about new and different sensors and actuators, primarily designed for soft robotics and fabricated with relatively low cost materials.
Join them here:
Here's an excerpt from the show:
This week, Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) spoke to Prof. Cindy Harnett about new and different sensors and actuators, primarily designed for soft robotics and fabricated with relatively low cost materials.
Join them here:
You can also read the show transcript here:
Thank you to Nordic Semi for supporting the show!
#softrobotics #robotics #sensors #prof #engineering #embedded #electronics #electrical
My latest blog post: VanSpoof - Prototype 2 - Echo Firmware
In part 1 and part 2 of building my first VanSpoof prototype, I managed to flash the microcontroller on the PCB with a blinky demo. This time round, let's see about sending and receiving some serial data.
Join Chris( @stoneymonster ) and Elecia( @logicalelegance ) as they chat with Debra Ansell( @geekmomprojects ) about finding friends and exchanging neat gifts, accidentally tricking people into making unmanufacutable boards, and happy, blinking lights.
Check out the show's transcript here:
The most incredible mindbender is
**Running Linux in a PDF*"
Yeah somebody created a virtual machine within a portable document format file and runs a micro Linux version in it I will not talking about just the kernel!
If you have access to an #ESP32 and a WiFi network with WPA3 security, could you help me test my #WiFi driver? It should only take a few minutes, and I'd be very appreciative! Instructions here: #microcontroller #IoT #embedded
#GhidraBytes 0x03 - ATmega328P Blink Driver: We continue our journey with #AVR #Assembler with #Ghidra by finding the main function, DAT_mem_0025 is a mem mapped IO reg sets the PB5 for the LED and we can see it in the Assembler and Decomple views. #Embedded #ReverseEngineering
Is it #MutualAid if I offer #jobs to #USA friends who want to emigrate right now?! Or am I profiting from other peoples suffering? If you *do* want to get #FediHired , check out these #job openings in #Amsterdam / Holland : currently 7 positions , but try open solicitation too . Mention me as a reference for bonus points ;) #trainer #software #engineer #security #embedded #legal #hybrid #RPKI #BGP #RIPE #Atlas #ipv6 #ipv4 #DNS Please share with your #American friends!
Discovery: Book on Embedded programming with Rust
- Learn to write, build, flash and debug an embedded program
- Beginner friendly. No previous experience with microcontrollers or embedded systems is required
- Uses microbit
Anyone looking for an #embedded engineer? Full time remote strongly preferred. #getFediHired
I am experienced with #EmbeddedC and, to a lesser degree, #EmbeddedRust and #EmbeddedJava. I even wrote JNI bindings for Java in Rust to call into Tock:OS. I have some recent experience with a very large C++ code base, but I wouldn't call myself an expert with it. I also have experience building test automation frameworks written in #Python and #Rust.
Oh, sorry for the edit spam. But I almost forgot to mention that I have extensive experience with the #RISCV architecture and instruction set.
I'm an #embedded systems developer (Arm Cortex M) with just over 40 years experience - so I have seen a lot of change. I learned to use a slide rule and now I'm using a multi-core computer with 32 G of RAM.
I worked at the #LEGO Group in Denmark for 7 years and led the team developing #firmware for PoweredUp, ControlPlus, and the last generation of #MINDSTORMS.
I like #photography, #trains (model and full scale), #hiking, and I'm always up for #learning!
With all the generative #AI hype right now, practical applications of #MachineLearning seem kind of marginalized, even as amazing #hardware is being released that makes it easier and more powerful than ever. Are folks interested in a #book of fun hands-on projects that teach you how to train and deploy models to #microcontrollers and effectively leverage machine learning in your #embedded projects? what would you pay for such a book, and what do you hope it might cover? please share for reach!
[Audio] A #schoolshooting in #Nashville started a #gun #debate in a very #conservative #state.
The #Supermajority #team from #NPR’s #Embedded #podcast follows three #conservative #mothers who #lobby #Tennessee #lawmakers for #guncontrol after a #shooting at their #private #Christian #school in #Nashville.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Tennessee #Education #GunViolence #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #RepublicanParty #ThePartyOfHate
My latest blog post: Connecting to Serial Ports with Windows Terminal
Choosing between PuTTY’s plink and SimplySerial’s ss commands for serial port sessions within Windows Terminal. …
Hacking RISC-V: Chapter 4 dives into binary numbers, for RISC-V #embedded! #reverseengineering & #hacking from scratch! #riscv #cybersecurity
Thanks for welcome and of course I got some tag for you. I live in #morocco am in #programming of #artificialintelligence #neuralnets working self-employed in #security domain. I'm interseted in #embedded programming #iot #laserspectrometry and a couple of other items.